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WTPD Kid Fit

KidFit Challenge is a police youth outreach program that provides unique strength and conditioning batteries to assist kids to grow up healthy and strong. These workouts are enjoyable and will avoid common problems associated with childhood inactivity and obesity.

Our program delivers a fitness that is natural by design. We will not specialize in any one component of fitness. A healthy lifestyle requires that our kids push, pull, run, throw, climb, lift and jump effectively and safely, regardless of whether or not they play sports. Sports are a specialized interest. 

The program is designed for all fitness levels which makes it applicable for any committed individual regardless of experience. These workouts are used both for kids and adults with a modification to load and intensity. In addition to physical fitness, this program will instill some important principles such as teamwork and respect.  The Washington Township Police Department is committed to supporting our youth through a healthy lifestyle.

Dates:             Program currently suspended due to lack of staffing

Time:              6 - 7 pm  (Tuesday & Thursday nights)

Location:        Community Activity Center and WTHS Complex

Cost:               $45 (t-shirt & water bottle, insurance, parks and recreation fee)

Deadline:         To be announced

Register at:     Washington Township Parks and Recreation Department
                        523 Egg Harbor Rd. Sewell, NJ 

For more information on the Washington Township Police Kid Fit Program please contact Corporal Dan Spataro via email or at 856-589-8594 x 104

NOTE:  These classes will be limited to 30 participants each class. The age range for boys and girls will be from 7-13 years old.  This year we will be running a second class for high school age participants.  Please contact Corporal Dan Spataro at the above number for more information regarding high school participants.  Applicants will register through Washington Township Parks & Recreation. Upon registration parents / guardians must complete a medical liability form at the Parks and Recreation Department.

  Click Here for Kid Fit Registration Form



Kid Fit Video