Gloucester County, NJ

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National Night Out

 National Night Out Information

Washington Township Police Department will be participating in National Night Out, a unique crime/drug prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW), has been scheduled for ??? for 2012. We invite you and your community to be a part of our NIGHT OUT  team.Last year's National Night Out involved citizens, law enforcement agencies, and local officials from over 15,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases worldwide. In all, over 36 million people participated in National Night Out 2010.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT is designed to:·         Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; ·         Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; ·         Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and ·         Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Along with the traditional display of outdoor lights and front porch vigils, cities, towns and neighborhoods 'celebrate' NNO with a variety of events and activities such as:·         block parties, ·         cookouts, ·         visits from local police, fire, and emergency medical services·         Gloucester County Sheriff’s Department and Prosecutor’s Offices ·         K-9 and motorcycle demonstrations·         Bike Officers·         DARE officer ·         SWAT vehicle·         Visits from Target, Old Navy, Vector Security Systems, Street Outreach Services NNO has proven to be an effective, inexpensive and enjoyable program to promote neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships in our fight for a safer nation. Plus, the benefits your community will derive from NNO will most certainly extend well beyond the one night. I have scheduled communities that are interested in participating this year. The event will take place between the hours of 6:00pm to 10:00pm. I thank all of you for your contributions this and every year which has assisted us with solving many crimes and problems. 


 Agencies Participating: 
Target                                   Brain Lasky                   Phone#856-875-0082
Old Navy                                 Devon Brey                 Phone#856-728-0394
Vector Security                       Evan Long                    Phone#856-220-5080
Street Out Reach Services      Robbenmarie Insogno  Phone # 856-728-0404 ext.4624 

How do we start our own National Night Out program?

Getting a National Night Out program off the ground is not that difficult. Before beginning, get yourself a looseleaf notebook. Here, you will record names, addresses, and telephone numbers of everyone you deal with while planning the event. This will keep you organized.

Location for National Night Out
First, find a location for the event. The location you choose should be convenient to residents and businesses, and, if possible, in a low traffic location. You want to make sure that you will have access to electricity and bathrooms.

Financial Support
Contact some local businesses for financial support as well as your own union local. Make sure to have a specific account solely for National Night Out and be careful to follow all fundraising regulations.

I hope to hear from anyone interested in this great event and have a enjoyable summer. Again please don't hesitate to call me. Please complete the below National Night Out registration form.





For more information on Washington Township Police National Night Out, please contact Corporal Dan Spataro via email or at 856-589-8594 x1104.

National Night Out Resources