National Night Out Information
Washington Township Police Department will be participating in National Night Out, a unique crime/drug prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW), has been scheduled for ??? for 2012. We invite you and your community to be a part of our NIGHT OUT team.
Vector Security Evan Long Phone#856-220-5080
Street Out Reach Services Robbenmarie Insogno Phone # 856-728-0404 ext.4624
How do we start our own National Night Out program?
Getting a National Night Out program off the ground is not that difficult. Before beginning, get yourself a looseleaf notebook. Here, you will record names, addresses, and telephone numbers of everyone you deal with while planning the event. This will keep you organized.
Location for National Night Out
First, find a location for the event. The location you choose should be convenient to residents and businesses, and, if possible, in a low traffic location. You want to make sure that you will have access to electricity and bathrooms.
Financial Support
Contact some local businesses for financial support as well as your own union local. Make sure to have a specific account solely for National Night Out and be careful to follow all fundraising regulations.
I hope to hear from anyone interested in this great event and have a enjoyable summer. Again please don't hesitate to call me. Please complete the below National Night Out registration form.
For more information on Washington Township Police National Night Out, please contact Corporal Dan Spataro via email or at 856-589-8594 x1104.