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Junior Police Academy

Junior Police Academy Video

Township Junior Police Academy
motivates young people to be outstanding citizens through law enforcement education. An outgrowth of community policing, this program transforms the traditional role of the police officer into one of mentor and friend, while encouraging our young citizens to be partners in building safer schools and communities.

Young people will learn and understand what police officers do and why they do it. Some blocks of instruction will include morals and ethics, K-9, crime scene, firearm training simulator, SWAT, MV stops, gang and drug prevention. There is also physical fitness and military drill conducted daily.Targeting middle school (ages11-14), the program is a police academy for young people.

While our graduates are not police officers, they are the community leaders of tomorrow -- instilled with an appreciation and respect for law enforcers and their role in society.

Read Washington Twp. Junior Police Academy Article / July 2010

  Washington Township Junior Police Academy

Dates:             Week 1 Academy - To be announced                       
Times:            -

Location:        Washington Township Police Department

Cost:               $75 (uniforms, insurance, parks and recreation fee)

Deadline:         To be announced

Register at:     Washington Twp. Parks and Recreation
                       523 Egg Harbor Rd.
                       Sewell, NJ 08080

For more information on the Washington Township Police Department Junior Police Academy please contact Corporal Dan Spataro via email or at 856-589-8594 x 1104 

    Junior Police Academy Video

Class #9 July 2010

Class #10 July 2010