I know I speak on behalf of the entire force of dedicated men and women of the Washington Township Police Department, when I say it is our pride and pleasure to serve the citizens of Washington Township.
From its humble beginnings as the Washington Township Constables, the force has grown significantly over the years. We are now a full service agency of 79 sworn police officers and 15 support personnel.
Even with this growth, there is always room for improvement. We are currently seeking accreditation through the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police and CALEA. The two year process will identify the WTPD as being in compliance regarding departmental policy, procedures and technology in accordance with state mandates and the NJ Attorney General’s guidelines. Successful accreditation will allow for increased grant availability, potential for decreased liability claims and overall proficiency and effectiveness of police resources.
An additional improvement is our continued desire to off-set costs through the use of seized assets. To date; over $100K in drug forfeitures (money and/or property seized during drug arrests) has yielded the Department an undercover car, new weapons, mobile data terminals and new computers.
Continued progress in other areas includes: the institution of a rigorous written exam for hiring new officers and institution of new community / police based outreach programs. Future plans may include: Expanding the Traffic and Narcotic units, the acquisition of upgraded weaponry and installation of cameras and global positioning systems in patrol cars. To report a traffic incident, a neighborhood dispute, inquire about local ordinances or for any further assistance please contact the WTPD @ 256-1212 and as always, in the event of an emergency call 911. Thank you, Chief Rafael Muniz
Washington Township Police Department